This season of Bigg Boss Tamil has been a success thus far. The current assignment on the show, BB High School, saw the contestants cheerfully decked out in their school uniforms. Up until this point, the show has covered several tasks. Students include Azeem, Vikraman, Shivin, ADK, Manikandan, Dhanlakshmi, and Rachitha, while teachers include Kathiravan and Myna Nandhini. High school BB’s principal is Amudhavanan.
The house was changed into “BB High School” in the most recent Bigg Boss Tamil 6 episode, and the competitors suited up in school uniforms with joy. Students from the BB high school were Azeem, Vikraman, Shivin, ADK, Manikandan, Dhanlakshmi, and Rachitha. The English and Math teachers were Myna Nandhini and Kathiravan, respectively.
In the first assembly of the BB school project, the housemates simulate adolescent students in every way.
The first period begins following the gathering. The student is looked after by Kathiravan, who also teaches mathematics.
While Bigg Boss suggested that teachers should choose the class’s top pupil and reward them with sweets.
Vikraman claimed to have solved the algebra issue, thus math teacher Kathiravan gave him the candy in class.
Later, Bigg Boss said that the pupils who had entered the BB sketching competition were taking part in it with enthusiasm. Azeem created a “save water” theme for this competition, while ADK created a drawing based on the theme “education.” The theme of Shivin’s drawing was “Good touch, terrible touch.”
Shivin won the tournament, and BB high school principal Amudhavanan made the announcement.
Meanwhile, Bigg Boss declared that participants in the “Letter Writing Competition” should express their emotions while writing.
Azeem broke down emotionally while working on the task, and Vikraman comforted him.
When the next period’s buzzer sounded, Myna Nandhini enrolled in an English class. She instructed poetry.
Teacher Myna Nandhini of the English class awarded Manikandan the candy after he fairly described Shakespeare’s piece.
On the other side, Bigg Boss revealed the extravagant assignment, dubbed “BB Gusthi,” in which the competitors had to remove their rival from the circle. In the assignment, Manikandan and Azeem faced off in the opening round. Manikandan received 400 points from the opulent budget for winning the match. Shivin and Amudhavanan both received 400 points from the luxury budget for winning the second and third rounds.