Contestants participated in the “BB high court” task on the most recent episode of Bigg Boss Tamil 6. The contestants were submitting cases for hearing on the final day of the task. The votes determined that Manikandan and Rachitha would serve as the attorneys, and Queency would preside as the judge.
The final case, in which all the housemates were accused, was accepted by Bigg Boss. The case known as the “public interest litigation case” was brought by Karthiravan against (Azeem, Amudhavanan, Vikraman, Robert Master, Dhanalakshmi, and Ram).
Kathiravan asked Manikandan to represent him in the case. Do you agree to be Kathiravan’s attorney, Bigg Boss questioned Manikandan as he was being called into the confessional. Manikandan agreed to take the case in the public interest.
Vikraman, Robert, Amudhavanan, Azeem, Ram, and Dhanalaksmi later read the case file and requested Rachitha to take over the case.
The last and final case was heard in Bigg Boss High Court. Manikandan began questioning and arguing with Vikraman, Robert, Amudhavanan, Azeem, Ram, and Dhanalaksmi in front of judge Queency.
Do you always wash your teacup? Manikandan asked Azeem during his cross-examination.
I wash my own cups, and we accept that sometimes the house isn’t clean, but starting tomorrow we will make it clean, Azeem said.
Judge Queency, meanwhile, issued a stern warning to all of the contestants to keep the Big Brother house clean.
However, Bigg Boss declared that this week’s best and worst performers would be chosen.
Azeem, Vikraman, and Shivin received the most votes for the best performance.
The contestants chose Robert Master and Queency for having the worst performances of the week.
They were congratulated by Bigg Boss, who also revealed that Azeem, Vikraman, and Shivin will compete for the captaincy task for the following week.
Because Robert Master and Queency were chosen as the worst performers, Bigg Boss instructed Manikanda to imprison them.
Following that, Manikandan and Ram competed in the luxury budget task. Manikandan earned 400 luxury budget points for winning the task.