The seventh week of Bigg Boss Tamil season 6 has ended and the eighth week has begun. The Bigg Boss Tamil 6 house is filled with high drama and contestant fights as the day goes by. The first promo for Bigg Boss Tamil season 6 was released, and Bigg Boss has requested that two contestants be nominated for this week’s eviction list. Contestants are asked for open nominations once again this week. Bigg Boss gave the instructions for placing a plate full of cream on the faces of the contenders they wished to nominate, explaining their reasoning in the process. Following host Kamal Hasaan’s reprimand of them in the weekend episode for crossing the line, Bigg Boss Tamil season 6 contestants behaved themselves during this week’s nominations.
Rachitha and Queency are proposed by Vikraman. Then Manikandan claims that Rachitha is using a safe strategy. On the basis of the assignment from the previous week, Dhanalakshmi nominates Queency and Kathirravan. But in tonight’s episode, we’ll talk about the actual reasons for the nomination. Rachitha, Queency, Kathirravan, Dhanalakshmi, and Janany were among the contestants nominated for this week’s elimination round, according to social media sources. In any case, we should wait until tonight’s episode to see the official nomination list.