The ultimate finale of “Bigg Boss Tamil 6,” which is hosted by Kamal Haasan, is just a few weeks away. Regular viewers of the reality programme will be familiar with the second-to-last weekend tradition of a competitor accepting a money box and leaving the home.
In the past, the well-liked candidates who left with the money box were Kavin, Gaby, and Cibi Chakravarthy. There is a lot of interest in finding out who of the remaining 7 “Bigg Boss Tamil 6” candidates would choose this course of action.
Amudavanan is eliminated since he immediately qualified for the championship. Similar to how Shivin and Vikraman are the clear favourites to win the title, they are aware of this and will almost certainly decline the offer. Mynaa has already made it known that she doesn’t intend to leave the house without a fight. Only ADK, Kathiravan, and Azeem are left. To find out which among them leaves the house with the money box this weekend, we’ll have to wait.